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Coco Chanel

My favorite quotes come from a top fashion brand: Coco Chanel. Her ideas about what fashion and style is definitely impacted my perspective. The rightmost picture says "Success is often achieved by those who don't know that failure is inevitable." Personally, I don't believe in failure either. Even if you don't succeed you'll still have the experience of what you tried to do. For example, one time I was at a fashion camp during the summer. I expected all the girls to love me, the teacher to adore my designs, that I'd win the fashion show. I had high hopes, but unfortunately none of those things happened. I was bummed about it for a few hours, thinking I'd failed fashion and had no hope for any future. But after a few days, I started to realize that my designs were my designs. Who cared about what they said? That experience was actually very beneficial, and I'm glad I took that risk.

The middle quote says "In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different". This also relates to my example above. I was different than all the other campers because my teacher didn't like my designs or my outlook on what fashion was. But fitting in with her idea of fashion didn't matter, I needed to stay true to my original ideas. Style is all about expressing yourself and being different than what others think, which is what this quote says and which is what I did.

The leftmost quote says "Keep your heels, head, & standards high". The "heels" part is just meant to be a little pun, but I still see it as advice. When people first wear high heels, they stumble and trip, so they stick to low heels. I see this quote as a way to encourage people to keep trying. The keep your head part means to stand straight, tall, and firm, and stick to what you believe in (looking good doing it). Keeping your standards high means to reach for the stars and try your hardest to get there. To aim high and do everything you can to get there.

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